zapMYstock Essential

The idea behind zapMYstock Essential was to have a system that could connect to virtually any system that can import and export data in Microsoft Excel or .CSV files.  The zapMYstock Essential PC program takes data from virtually any system and uploads it to and downloads it from the scanner, and then back into your system after your stock has been counted.

Free Stocktake App now available!​

zapMYstock Essential is now available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store as a free download.

You’ll also need our PC Data Transfer program, which you can get by clicking on the Download tab below.

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zapMYstock™ Essential is part of ASP’s zapMYstock family of simple stocktaking programs for portable barcode scanners.  Other versions of zapMYstock with different capabilities are also available – see our zapMYstock family page.

zapMYstock Essential uses a lookup file to display details about a product when its barcode is scanned.  An output file is created by the scanner, which can then be used as-is, or imported into another program.

You’ll soon realise this is not your ordinary every day app. The idea behind zapMYstock Essential was to create a system that could connect to virtually any Business Software that is able to import and export data in Microsoft Excel or .CSV files. zapMYstock Essential uses a lookup file (usually exported from another program) to display details about a product when its barcode is scanned. An output file is created by the scanner, which can then be used as-is, or imported into another program.

Free Stocktake App now available!

zapMYstock Essential is now available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store as a free download.

What sets zapMYstock Essential apart

– Powerful data transfer program that runs on your PC and communicates with your device via your Wi-Fi network.

– Allows mapping of SKU properties to provide an output file compatible with most business software.

– Full suite of SKU properties including – barcode, product number, description, serial number, location, quantity and cost.

– Compatible with most Android Enterprise devices such as the Casio DT-X400 as well as consumer Smart Phones and Tablets so you can BYOD.

– Use one or multiple devices for your stocktake.

– Date and time stamp for all entries.

– SKU Enquiry function.

– Easy review of what you have scanned.

– Allows entry and creation of SKU’s not in the lookup file.

zapMYstock Essential consists of two parts – the scanner and its app or program, and a data transfer program that runs on your PC and communicates with your scanner via your Wi-Fi network. Just fill in your details on the form below and click Submit and we’ll send you an email containing all the download links that you need.



      Please enter your details below and click on the big blue Submit button at the bottom of the page.
      We will then send you an email containing the download link for the manual or user guide for this product.
