Micro Focus Content Manager 9 (CM 9) is an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS), formerly known as HP Records Manager (HP RM8), and before that as HP TRIM or just TRIM. CM 9 is a government-based enterprise...
If you are a business looking to remain competitive in today's business environment then watching your costs is important. On the flip side, you are doing what you can to grow your business, which then means investing in better...
Do all your staff suddenly apply for annual leave when you mention stocktake? That’s because you’re not using zapMYstock. Conducting a stocktake can be difficult and time consuming. We decided that there had to be a better way, then...
It doesn't cost much to move over to the benefits of ASP Electronic Time & Attendance. You'll be saving time and frustration for your payroll staff, and you'll have better tracking of your largest business expense. Whether you rely on...
At work we're surrounded by assets. Some are static (such as desks and chairs), some move around (such as audio visual equipment on loan). If you are responsible for them, but can't instantly and accurately list "what's where" (or...
Linking portable barcode readers directly into your existing Windows software using 802.11 wireless RF technology is a great idea. Your barcode readers become an extension in real time of your PC network. No more returning to a download cradle...
Rostermatic.com provides workplace roster administrators with a web-based solution for managing and distributing staff working schedules. Additionally, this solution offers leave management, contact and document holding, staff notice boards and much more. The continual development of this product in response...
Imagine the convenience - no supply delays and large minimum orders, just barcode labels of what you want, when you want them. Perhaps you want to try substituting a simple barcode scan for repetitive keystrokes; no problem, from idea...