Our solutions will assist you through automating existing manual processes that streamline operations, boosting productivity and efficiency right across your organisation. We offer unique and cost effective solutions to managing inventory, workforce labour, and most other business process needs....
The banking industry is always needing to adopt new technology as customers’ expectations are forever rising. Automation and digital initiatives are a key to achieving these aims. An automated deposit bag system is just one of our solutions that...
ASP was instrumental in offering productivity improvements to one of the largest Construction companies in Australia for construction of one of the first desalination plants in Australia. ASP created a Materials Management and Tracking solution, along with all...
Our pioneering in the education field began in the mid-eighties with the Australian design and manufacture of a portable barcode reader for conducting stocktakes in school libraries. For the last quarter of a century, ASP Microcomputers has been at...
The days of conducting your business activities from your office desk are diminishing. Mobility can mean many things to many people but the common thread is having access to information via a rugged device and being able to capture data and sending it via the mobile phone networks to back end enterprise systems.
We were one of the first companies in Australia to be given Government Endorsed Supplier Status and currently hold a number of Government supply accreditations. We have an impressive list of Government Clients ranging from Federal through to local levels. Every aspect of our business contributes to our Government clients including supplying cost effective hardware, to the most sophisticated, robust and secure custom as well as commercial off the shelf solutions.
The need for better health outcomes is constantly being sought in this complex arena, and technology is paramount in simplifying complex manual processes, allowing data to be captured and processed at the source.
The hospitality industry is always needing to apply new thinking as customers’ expectations are forever rising. Technology is a major factor in keeping up with these changes and we have almost 40 years of experience which we can apply....
Embracing technology in manufacturing can lead to productivity gains and efficiency improvements, giving you an edge over your competitors. ASP Microcomputers specialises in materials and inventory tracking through the use of barcoding and/or RFID with our major skill set of integrating the data into your financial or ERP system.
Productivity improvements need to be at the forefront of an organisations strategy especially during a volatile market phase in which the mining industry is in. We have developed material management and tracking solutions for the largest mining company by using our skill in applying business process into robust solutions in the areas of data capture and tracking with integration into the existing ERP, make us a valuable business partner to the mining industry.