What happens if I scan a borrowable asset during an Asset Check?

When asset data is loaded into the terminal, borrowable items are specially marked. If, during an Asset Check with the scanner, a borrowable asset is scanned, there are three possibilities:

  1. The Asset is scanned in its proper “home location” – that is, the location that AssetTraq says it belongs in.
  2. The Asset is not on loan, and it is scanned somewhere other than its home location.
  3. The Asset is on loan, and it is scanned somewhere other than its home location.

In case 1, the scan is recorded, and the Last Checked date will be updated when the data is loaded back into AssetTraq. It doesn’t matter if the asset is borrowed or not – if it’s in its home location, the Last Checked date will be updated.

In case 2, the BHT-6000/8000 barcode scanner will display a message asking the user to return the asset to its home location. The scan will be ignored and the Last Checked date will not be updated when the data is loaded back into AssetTraq.

In case 3, the barcode scanner will display a message that the asset is on loan, and the scan will be ignored. The Last Checked date will not be updated when the data is loaded back into AssetTraq.

When performing the Missed Assets function, the BHT-6000/8000 will not list borrowed assets as being missed, since they are on loan. However, borrowable assets that are not on loan will be treated exactly the same as non-borrowable assets, and will be expected to be in their home location.